

New York Review discusses No More Champagne in June 2016 issue

27th May 2016

Geoffrey Wheatcroft praises David Lough’s No More Champagne in June 2016 edition of The New York Review

June’s edition of The New York Review carries an essay Churchill: Great and Mean in which Geoffrey Wheatcroft reviews David Lough’s No More Champagne, describing it as ‘hugely enjoyable and illuminating’ and ‘richly detailed’.

He writes: ‘What’s notable is that all the best recent books have dealt with specific aspects of [Churchill]. … Lough’s book completes a kind of triptych of splendid books. First came In Command of History by David Reynolds (2005) … . Then in 2012 Peter Clarke, another Cambridge historian, published Mr. Churchill’s Profession.’

The full review appears at on the Reviews page of this site.